klaxon|klaxons in English


[klax·on || 'klæksn]

loud electric siren which is used as a warning signal (in automobiles, etc.)

Use "klaxon|klaxons" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "klaxon|klaxons" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "klaxon|klaxons", or refer to the context using the word "klaxon|klaxons" in the English Dictionary.

1. They have klaxons, banners, national flags.

2. Like a tortured donkey, the klaxon brayed its amplified signal.

3. At 4 am the klaxon for reveille sounded, and half an hour later the breakfast gong.

4. They clipped him in, the klaxon sounded the window open and off he went for task 2!

5. At this moment, the klaxon sounded again. The music of departure was heard in the cabin.

6. If it's all right for you to come back, I'll give you four high whistles. ( klaxon )

7. Amid all the oohings and Aahings over little Liam the Klaxon sounded the start of school and parents began saying goodbye to their children

8. The “Revista de Antropofagia” 15 that represented the view of the “Anthropophagists” appears only in 1928, roughly six year after the appearance of the modernist Klaxon.

9. It's hardly the cure for anything but Antidotes, the debut album from Oxford's Foals, is a strong addition to the eternal tradition of dance-friendly art rock most recently exemplified by Franz Ferdinand and Klaxons.